Tumpline August 2011

Published: Thu, 08/04/11

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2011 Camp Nominingue Alumni Golf Tournament

Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, we have been forced to cancel the Alumni Golf tournament planned for September 9. All participants who had signed up will be contacted. We hope to organize another tournament in the future.

Family Camp 2011 Program News

Our program is slowly taking shape! On Tuesday August 23, we are planning an evening of entertainment. Montreal stand-up comic and actor, and Nominingue alumni, Scott Faulconbridge, will be presenting a half-hour set of comedy and improv. He will be followed by musician Daniel Isaiah, an up-and-coming Montreal musician.

As announced last month, we are planning the First Camp Nominingue Film Festival for Friday evening. Already, the schedule is filling up.
Films Scheduled:
1) H2Oil                      Sarah Spring        Tar Sands developments in Alberta
2) 26 août à St-Henri    Sarah Spring        A day in the life of a neighbourhood
3) Surprise short          John Christou
Film producers will be on hand to present their film and to answer your questions.

If you have a film that you would like to include in the festival, please contact John Christou at campnomininguealumni@gmail.com.

Family Camp 2011 Staff

Program Directors: Alain Bovet and John Christou

Don Ackles        Olivier Beauchemin      Julie Cameron
Jack Candlish     Michael Candlish         Barbara Candlish
Rafic Dagher      Yusef Farah Chalita     Alessandro Galeone
Laurent Gilbert   Tori Heilrung              Andrew Kucer-Dougherty
Ben Lavallee      Justin Lu                   Des Milroy
Winston Oliver    Aaron Peer                Steve Peters
Pat Quinn          Matt Thiel                 Harry Warshawad

Alumni Weekend 2011 - fin de semaine des anciens


Friday, August 26 to Sunday, August 28 is alumni weekend at Camp Nominingue. Specials events planned for the weekend include the CN Film Festival, the Annual general meeting of the CNAA, the Pillars of Nominingue 2012 presentation and much more. An alumni rebate off the Family Camp rate is offered to all alumni. To register or to find out more about Alumni weekend or Family Camp, please call (819) 278-3383 or e-mail info@nominingue.com.

July 2011 Report - Sommaire de la session juillet 2011


We have just completed the first session of our summer 87th season. The weather was amazing throughout the session with lots of sun and warm weather. The occasional thunderstorm ensured that the woods didn't dry out too much! We began July with 177 campers, rising to a high of 185 campers, a significant increase over last summer. 25 campers participated in our first one-week session. This group contributed a lively lower camp throughout the session. A large majority of middle and upper campers set off on canoes trips to both Papineau-Labelle and La Vérendrye Parks. New climbing and guitar programs were hits with the campers!
Nous venons de compléter la première session de notre 87ième saison. Nous étions choyés par le beau temps durant la session entière. Nous commençâmes la session avec 177 campeurs et ce nombre grimpa jusqu'à 185, une augmentation significative comparée à l'année dernière. 25 campeurs de sept à neuf ans participèrent à la session d'une semaine. Ce programme ajouta beaucoup de vie au groupe de « lower camp ». Une majorité des campeurs de « middle » et de « upper camp » partirent en excursion de canot aux parcs Papineau-Labelle et La Vérendrye durant la session. Les nouvelles activités d'escalade et de guitare furent de grands succès !

Award Winners July 2011 / Lauréats juillet 2011 


1) BEST PADDLE AWARD:              Charles-Antoine Boutin
2) DIP AWARD:                            Middle Camp
4) MOST IMPROVED SAILOR:          Francis Janelle 
5) SAILING SKIPPER:                    Laurent Ipperciel 
7) BEST WINDSURFER:                 Aidan Jones 
8) MOST IMPROVED KAYAKER:       Daniel Wolff-Franke 
9) MOST IMPROVED SWIMMER:      Jonah Buksbaum 
Section 1:  Dominique Gilbert
Section 2:  Victor Cartier
Section 3:  Charlie Loeven
Section 4:  Henry Bartram-Forbes
Section  5: Philip Emond             Nicolas Perrault
Section  6: Daniel Wolff-Franke   Matthew Pilgrim
Section  7: Tim Thompson
INTERMEDIATE: William Greiss        Aidan Jones
SENIOR:          Tim Thompson       Cameron Anderson
Section 1 : Ronin Easey
Section 2 : Victor Cartier
Section 3:  Louis Favreau
Section 4:  Simon Germain
Section 5:  Charlie Wolfe
Section 6:  Antoine Ipperciel
Section 7:  Laurent Ipperciel
13) PATCH CUP WINNER:   Laurent Ipperciel
14) VOYAGEUR AWARD:     None
15) LEADER AWARD:         Francis Janelle      Timothy Thompson
16) TRIBAL GAMES:          Iroquois
      INTERMEDIATE:         Simon Cope           Benjamin Lazare
      SENIOR:                   Laurent Ipperciel    Antoine Ipperciel

 Charles Weyman             Counsellor 2011    Miami, FL 
 College Entrance Essay


I have worked at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, climbed Mount Vesuvius in Naples, Italy, on my thirteenth birthday, explored and even zip-lined a tropical rain-forest canopy, but what has impacted me the most is Camp Nominingue. Nominingue is a canoe-tripping camp in the Laurentian Mountains in Quebec, about 200 kilometers north of Montréal, Canada. I have been going there for four years and still feel the same passion about the experience. At Camp Nominingue, I learned to work and interact with other people, to take initiative in situations and have confidence in myself. It helped me grow and change for the better.
During the summer of 2009, I was one of eleven people accepted into the Leaders-in-Training Program (LIT), a group of 16-year-old boys training to be camp counsellors. We went through a series of workshops and training sessions to complete certification programs in lifesaving, first aid, and canoeing. After that we went on a rigorous eight-day canoe trip; four of these days the LITs led the way. The counsellors were there only for emergencies. We completed the trip without any major complications. I learned about my skill level as a canoe tripper and what I could improve upon.
This past summer, I returned to Nominingue as a staff member. I went on a canoe trip as co-counsellor, responsible for four ten-year old boys. This trip was different from the LIT trip because I now had the responsibility for the safety of the kids. I was responsible for cooking and getting all of the campers involved and working together. I made sure that they were all safe and having a good time.
The Nominingue community is close, respectful, but at the same time fun. It is my second home. It is the place where I grew up not just as a canoe tripper, but also as the curious and inquisitive person I am today. Ever since I have been to camp, I have always been willing to try new things and show all of my friends what I learned in Canada. Nominingue has also taught me to respect nature and love the outdoors. One of my favourite moments at Nominingue is falling asleep to the sound of loons on the lake. It gives me a feeling of peace and tranquility. My experience at Nominingue influenced my decision to study Environmental Science in College.

 Stanislas Monfront       LIT 2007       Neuilly, France

 College Entrance Essay: Looking out the window...


In all fairness, this is not really a full-fledged window. In fact, it is more of a haphazardly rolled-up flap. But the result is the same: it lets the delicate evening light filter through, and a thin membrane of netting protects us from (most of) the elements.
The flap happens to belong to a tent, and the tent happens to be pitched somewhere along the western shore of the immense Dozois Reservoir, one of the largest lakes of the La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve in Northern Quebec. From the elevated vantage point of our camp-site, I can peer through this makeshift window across the calm surface of the water.
Looking out, I can retrace most of today's itinerary: last night's camp-site is out of sight, but way up north I can catch a glimpse of the rocky outcrop where we stopped for lunch. According to the map, we paddled 32 kilometres today. It is a staggering feeling, being able to embrace a day's achievement at a glance; the sheer distance we have covered is a testament not only to my own intense effort, but also to the flawless teamwork shared by this extraordinary group of friends.
More importantly, when travelling on these ancient routes, we are living on the edge. Alone in the wilds of the Canadian outback, my friends and I must be our own safety net; and each of us knows all too well how much our survival depends on our gear, the food and tents we carry with us, and above all, on each other. Yesterday's storm was massive: lightning bolts cut the sky, booming claps of thunder shook the ground and torrents of rain swelled the rivers:  I realized how fragile my life was in the hands of the elements.  I'm still here, and now, it is with a mixture of awe and excitement that I gaze out at what awaits me tomorrow. 

 Camp Nominingue Alumni Association - L'Association des anciens

The Alumni Association is looking for individuals interested in serving on the board of directors of the association. If you are interested or you would like to find out more, please contact John Christou at campnomininguealumni@gmail.com.

L'Association des anciens du Camp Nominingue est à la recherche d'individus intéressés à se joindre au conseil d'administration de l'Association. Si vous êtes intéressés à recevoir plus d'informations à ce sujet, svp contactez John Christou à campnomininguealumni@gmail.com

 Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.

Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2011... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-458-1551 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0