Tumpline December 2011

Published: Tue, 12/06/11

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New Canadian research on the benefits of a summer camp experience

The Canadian Summer Camp Research Project (CSCRP) was undertaken to help address a lack of research by exploring the outcomes of summer camp participation.

Goals of the CSCRP:
1. To understand in what areas campers experience positive outcomes based on their camp experiences.
2. To measure the degree of developmental change in these areas experienced over the course of a camp experience.

In 2007, interviews were conducted with sixty-five camp directors from across Canada. These interviews asked the directors what kinds of changes or outcomes they witnessed in their campers over the course of their career in the camping industry. More specifically, they were asked what new skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values they expected campers to develop through their experiences at camp.


Analysis of these interviews revealed five key areas in which the directors expected campers to experience positive outcomes:
1. Social integration and citizenship
2. Environmental awareness
3. Attitudes towards physical activity
4. Emotional intelligence
5. Self-confidence and personal development

1,288 campers were observed in total.

The ages of the participants ranged between three and eighteen years old but the majority of participants (77%) were between seven and fourteen years old.

Analysis of each of the major theme areas indicated a statistically significant increase in the average scores of the campers across all five domains. More specifically, over the course of a camp session the campers in the study on average showed significant positive development with regard to: social integration and citizenship, environmental awareness, attitudes towards physical activity, emotional intelligence, personal development and self-confidence.
Percentage of camper population reporting positive growth

Social Connections and Integration                  65%
Environmental Awareness                               52%
Attitudes Towards Physical Activity                 61%
Emotional Intelligence                                    69%
Personal development and Self-Confidence        67%

To find the full report, go to http://www.ccamping.org/index.php?id=41 and click on the Canadian Summer Camp Research Project by T. Glover et al.

ESL Instruction  Caroline Crawford   ESL instructor 2010-11

I was the ESL teacher the past two summers at Nominingue.  During Quiet Hour English classes, campers learn new vocabulary and skills but, most importantly, the goal is to increase their confidence and help them to use the English they already know.  One of my favourite activities for this is called the Alphabet Scavenger Hunt.  Campers in the English class pair up and are given a clipboard, pen, and a paper with all the letters of the alphabet.  We go around camp and they work together to write down as many camp words that start with each letter as possible (Ex. T for Tent, M for Matches, etc.).  The campers each know different words so they are able to learn from each other.  They can also ask the instructor for help with spelling, or when they want to learn what something is called.  It's great for determining what they know and what we will work on in future days. 

One day last summer, when we had completed the activity, I asked Simon and Kevin how many words they thought they had written down.  They both thought around 20.  They were shocked to hear they had thought of 78 words.  It was clear they were surprised to realize they knew a lot more English than they thought they did! English classes at camp are a ton of fun and it's great to see the campers become more confident in their abilities!

Family Camp Online Enrolment - Inscriptions sur internet pour le camp familial

Family enrolment is now available online in both English and French. Go to the Camp Nominingue website and click on the registration link to enrol.

Vous pouvez maintenant vous inscrire en français ou en anglais sur internet pour le camp familial. Visitez le site internet du camp et cliquez sur le lien indiqué pour vous inscrire.

The deadline for Early-Bird registration is almost here - La date limite du rabais pour une inscription hâtive s'approche 


Please don't forget that December 15th is the deadline for early-bird registration rates. If you want to benefit on reduced rates for all sessions of 14 days or more, please register by the 15th.

Pour bénéficier du rabais pour une inscription hâtive sur un séjour de 14 jours et plus, vous devez inscrire votre garçon pas plus tard que le 15 décembre. Ne soyez pas déçu!

Holiday Greetings! - Nos meilleurs voeux!


Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year!
Winter has arrived! Enjoy the holidays and the snow! We look forward to seeing all of you at Nominingue next summer, whether during boys' camp or family camp.
All our best wishes to you...

Joyeuse Fêtes et Meilleurs Voeux pour l'année 2012 !
L'hiver est arrivé ! Profitez de la saison festive et de la neige. Nous espérons tous vous revoir l'été prochain au camp de garçons ou au camp familial.
Nos meilleurs voeux !    

 Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.

Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2011... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-267-2555 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0