Tumpline September 2012

Published: Wed, 09/12/12

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Five Day Trip to Acapulco and the Falls                              David Khazzam 11 years old

After preparing for our canoe trip yesterday and this morning, we finally set off. We left our packs and our canoes with the truck and we all left in a war canoe. When we arrived at the other side of Petit Lac Nominingue, we left the war canoe and started our 5 km walk. We played a really fun game called survival quest. At the end of the walk, we arrived at Lac Lesage, the same place where we were dropped off last year. We paddled a while and then ate lunch right after another group had eaten. We then paddled some more, took a 700m portage to Lac Rognon, and after paddling a short distance we arrived at camp. We set up our tents and we collected enough fire wood for two meals in less than thirty minutes - we brought small trees! Supper was pork chops and hot dogs - the pork chops with spices were excellent and dessert was apples in syrup - delicious! We then went to bed.

We woke up this morning a while before the counsellors. We talked until they woke up, and then we had a breakfast of eggs and oatmeal. After breaking camp, we paddled to a 380m portage, which ended at the falls on Lac St-Denis. Last year, we reached here in one day! We played in the falls and I got to the first level,. We met a family of three, not including their bulldog. After a lunch of Kraft dinner, we paddled on Lac St-Denis. We reached a 1.6 km portage. After about half way, we ate a snack. We then continued on. Little did we know that the campers and Tom had missed the path, and that we were going in the wrong direction! When we had finished, instead of walking 1.6 km, we had walked 4.5 km in two and a half hours. We paddled onto Lac Montjoie to our campsite. I cut peppers for a supper of chicken and tuna alfredo. We ate in the dark and a little in the rain, but supper was really good. We then had a well-deserved sleep. 

After waking, we had a breakfast of oatmeal, which I made, and Raisin bran. We had to get more firewood because we had used too much the day before. John had some coconut cookies and to get a piece, Jake promised to clean the dishes every meal. He got the cookie, so that is what he has to do! We left really late from our campsite. After paddling a bit, we reached a 2 km portage. We had lunch after a 760m hike of sausage and cheese wrap. We then continued on a road for the rest of the portage. We met a father and son who were doing a really intense three-daytrip. Sept-Frères, the lake at the other end was really nice. John said we were lucky because he had done that lake in horrible weather the last time. We continued paddling until we found a nice campsite. We left our packs to go to Acapulco and we saw the other group while going there. We talked a little and then some of them came with us. The jump was really fun, and I did it four times. We came back and got wood for a dinner of spaghetti and meat sauce. After eating some marshmallows, we put the food barrels in the woods and we went to sleep.

We made oatmeal again this morning, and we also had chocolate pancakes. We each made our own pancake, so while we waited, we chased chipmunks. We set up traps and we also tried catching them with our bare hands. We caught one in a plastic bag and a few in other types of traps...

Sept jours au Parc de La Vérendrye    1ère partie      Blaise Frenette  14 ans

Nous sommes partis vers 8h30 du camp pour arriver vers 11h00 au Lac Whiskey, tout en somnolent avec de la bonne musique de fond. On s'est ensuite retrouvé sur le Lac à la Croix suite à un petit portage. Nous avons mangé un excellent repas sur ce même lac, des hot-dogs. Nous avons discuté durant le repas et ce fût probablement le meilleur moment de la journée. La température était totalement de notre côté, beau soleil toute la journée. Ce fût ensuite le temps d'arriver à notre premier campement sur le lac Cawatose. J'ai monté la tente, aidé à chercher du bois et à préparer les côtes de porc, qui furent excellentes ! On eut aussi un dessert assez spécial : des bananes fourrées avec des pépites de chocolats et des guimauves - délicieux, surement un des meilleurs desserts de l'excursion.

Vers 6h30, nous nous sommes réveillés et avons ramassé la tente et le linge sec pour se concentrer sur la préparation du déjeuner : de délicieux pitas avec des oeufs et du bacon. Nous sommes finalement partis vers 9h00 pour une autre journée ensoleillée. J'ai orienté une bonne partie du matin puisque je travaille en ce moment pour avoir mon 3e en orientation. On a finalement décidé de camper sur le lac Canimina : un petit portage, mais plein de roches et de boue. Par contre, ce fût une très belle soirée avec de la croustade aux pommes pour le dessert. Nous sommes ensuite allés dormir vers 22h00.

Nous nous sommes réveillés vers 6h00, confiants de faire une bonne journée. Deux heures plus tard, nous étions prêts à partir, mais aussitôt que l'on mit un pied dans un canot, le tonnerre se fit retentir, alors nous dûmes rester sur le campement. Nous construisîmes un abri avec la toile et apportâmes la table à pique-nique que nous avions trouvée sur le site. L'orage dura jusqu'à vers 15h00, alors nous restâmes au même campement. Je dois dire que j'étais un peu inquiet de cette décision, car elle rallongeait fortement les prochains jours. On a donc joué aux cartes et discuté une bonne partie de la journée. La journée s'est finalement finie  en beauté quand la pluie a cessé et nous avons mangé de délicieux « pineapple express », un bon dessert.

Camp Nominingue : Those Great Canoe Trips                 J.R. Warren 1939-1949

Shortly after passing my 100-yard swim test, I went on a six day canoe trip to Lac Vert with two great counsellors, Jack McMartin and Ian Fraser, and three other kids my age. Although six days was not a particularly long trip, August canoe trips were, in general, longer than those in July and they certainly didn't coddle us on these trips. We left Camp after breakfast on Monday and paddled the mile-and-a-third across Little Lake Nominingue to the road which led to Lac des Isles (Lesage). After stashing the canoes, and laden with nearly 60 pound packs, we hiked a tough three miles along a winding dirt road accompanied by much cursing, complaining and frequent rest periods. At Lac des Iles, we picked up two canoes left there earlier by an outgoing party. With a counsellor and two campers in each canoe, we headed for our first campsite, Echo Island on Lac Rognon (St-Denis), three lakes and three portages hence.

Echo Island! An echo from the shore in answer to a call...Echo Island! Echo Island was the opening of a whole new world for me. Under our own steam, we had hiked and paddled and portaged to get to this jewel of an island, afloat in a lake indescribable magnificence, surrounded by pristine forest on all sides, ten miles from the nearest village, six miles from the nearest habitation. That night, as I lay in the tent trying to sleep on the hard ground, I suddenly heard wolves howling in the distance. The hair stood up on the back of my neck and I was glad I was on an island! I got up just after dawn to pee, only to find smoke clouds drifting across the lake. It must be a forest fire...I was about to wake the counsellors when I saw that in reality it was the early morning fog. When I asked Jack if he had heard the wolves, he said yes, he had, but they were really loons. I felt much safer. The cry of a loon is the epitome of the North Country and it often still sounds like a wolf to me.

None of the other kids had ever been on a canoe trip, either. Jack and Ian were both funny and fun, and with them initially doing most of the work, we learned the rudiments of cooking good camping meals, how to mash potatoes with a paddle (hold the pot of potatoes between your feet and mash them with the handle of the paddle, making sure you wash the sand off the paddle beforehand), pitching a tent, lighting a fire, how to read a map and use a compass. We became better paddlers and got used to sleeping on the hard ground with only a rubber ground-sheet and a woollen blanket under us. I became Radisson and Des Groseillers, and all the explorers who wandered far and wide throughout North America searching for whatever it was that beckoned them. Every time I climbed into the canoe, I was off on an expedition of untold danger and indescribable hardship - the intrepid explorer shining light into the black hole of the still undiscovered New World. Every time I set foot on a portage, I was a coureur des bois off to Rupert's Land in the quest of the wealth of limitless furs.

The following Saturday, we arrived back at Camp after having paddled across eight different lakes, skinny-dipped in half of them, crossed seven portages ranging from a quarter mile to one-and-a-half while carrying packs which fortunately got lighter as the days progressed, and slept at four different campsites. Two great counsellors, three good tripmates, a visit to a secret wonderland of which I hadn't even dreamed. And I loved every minute of it! Oh, how I loved it! This was what life was all about. 

Changes to 2013 Sessions / Changements aux sessions 2013

We have made a few changes to our summer camp sessions for 2013:

For boys' camp, the major objectives were to reduce the number of arrival and departure dates; to start and finish as many sessions as possible on weekends; to extend the LIT program; and to provide each session with a unique identity:

8 day session

- for 7 to 9 year-old campers

- introduction to outdoor/canoe tripping skills

- an overnight canoe trip

15 day session

- opportunity to participate in two full instruction weeks

- opportunity to go on a 3-day, 5-day or 7-day canoe trip depending on age and experience

12 day session

- opportunity to participate in one week of instruction 

- opportunity to go on a 3-day canoe trip 

- opportunity to participate in end of session activities - tribal or voyageur games, canoe races, banquet & final council ring

26 day session

- includes all of the opportunities available to 12 day and 15 day participants

- opportunity for 15-year olds to undertake 8 and 10 day canoe trips

40, 43 and 54 day sessions

- includes all of the opportunities available to 12, 15 and 26 day participants

Family Camp will be shortened to 5 days, beginning at the conclusion of boys' camp.  Alumni weekend will be held the weekend after Labour Day. 

Dates for 2013 / Dates de la saison 2013

# Session Length Dates

1. J8 8 days/jours July 6 - July 13 / 6 juillet au 13 juillet

2. J15 15 days/jours June 29 - July 13 / 29 juin au 13 juillet

3. J12 12 days/jours July 13 - July 24 / 13 juillet au 24 juillet

4. J26 26 days/jours June 29  - July 24 / 29 juin au 24 juillet

5. LITJ 26 days/jours June 29  - July 24 / 29 juin au 24 juillet

6. JA43 43 days/jours June 29  - August 10 / 29 juin au 7 août

7. A8 8 days/jours August 3 - August 10 / 3 août au 10 août

8. A15 15 days/jours July 27 - August 10 / 27 juillet au 10 août

9. A12 12 days/jours August 10 - August 21 / 10 août au 21août

10. A26 26 days/jours July 27 - August 21 / 27 juillet au 21 août

11. LITA 26 days/jours July 27 - August 21 / 27 juillet au 21 août 

12. JA40 40 days/jours July 13 - August 21 / 13 juillet au 21 août

13. JA54 54 days/jours June 29  - August 21 / 29 juin au 21 août

14. Family Camp / Camp familial August 21 - 25 / 21 au 25 août

15. Alumni Weekend/ Fin de semaine des anciens September 6 - 8 / 6 au 8 septembre

2012 Award Winners / Lauréats août 2012

1) BEST PROJECT:   Miguel Roig-Gironella García

2) DIP AWARD: Middle Camp


4) SAILING SKIPPER: Kendall Harrison

5) MOST IMPROVED WINDSURFER: Kahlil Shamy-Ferguson 


7) BEST KAYAKER:   Louis Lescure



Section 1: Mathieu Bolduc

Section 2: Gianne Reyes

Section 3: Philippe Trop

Section 4: Angus Schwaneflugel



Section  5: Zachary Fedder & Benjamin Rienecker

Section 6: Justin Dulude & Zacharie Perreault-Samson


Section 7:   Daniel Hetzel


Junior: Emile Schaaf Kerwin, David Khazzam

Senior: Troy Von Breitenstein, Daniel Hetzel

11) ARCHERY COMPETITION:         Aran Winter, Daniel Hetzel

12) INTERMEDIATE CANOE RACE:   Justin Dulude. Louis Philippe Pomerleau

13) SENIOR CANOE RACE: Troy Von Breitenstein, Daniel Hetzel


Section 1:   Mathieu Bolduc 3 pts

Section 2: Kahlil Shamy-Ferguson 5.5 pts

Section 3: Braeden Poirier 5.5 pts

Section 4:   Sam Osborne 6 pts

Section 5: Oderah Pecore-Ugorji   12 pts

Section 6:   Zacharie Perreault-Samson 8 pts

Section 7: José Roberto Garcia 12.5 pts

15) PATCH CUP WINNER: José Roberto Garcia 


17) LEADER AWARD: Troy Von Breitenstein, Daniel Hetzel, 

Louis Lescure

18) MARK CONNER AWARD: Samuel Gagnon

19) SHANNON MEMORIAL AWARD: François Duranceau

Camp Nominingue Walks in Support of ALS

Trevor Smith 1970 - 1997  Boys' Camp, Family Camp

Many thanks for your support with the 2012 ALS Tony Proudfoot Walk, held on Sunday, August 26th. It was a very hot day but the large group of walkers was in good spirits.

Our small group raised a total of $605 for ALS research. I am very grateful to you for your contribution. It was an honour to walk for both Tony Proudfoot and Damon Kane.

Alumni Association News / Nouvelles de l'association des anciens

The Camp Nominingue Alumni Association held its AGM at Camp Nominingue on Saturday, August 25th, 2012.  It was a beautiful weekend, and we held our meeting in the sun in front of the main lodge.


Following a review of the year's operations, we had a thorough discussion of the purpose, role and operation of the association as well its goals going forward.

It was determined that the primary goal of the association should be to ensure that "graduates" of camp continue to have a method of engaging with Camp and engaging with former colleagues and friends.  This continued association with Camp should have long term positive impacts in growing the larger Camp Nominingue family, and helping to propel the positive word of mouth that is so important in growing the camper base.

Moving forward, it was also decided that changes to the executive and operation of the association would also yield significant benefits. The following changes have been proposed:

1) Reduce the size of the executive from 16 to 5. The executive positions would be:

- president

- secretary

- treasurer

- membership coordinator

- Social Gatherings/ events coordinator

2) Expectations for the Association executive would be:

- Commitment to a two-year term

- Attendance at 3 out of 4 meetings, held via conference call, between October and May each year

- Attendance at the Annual General Meeting

- Attendance at one event each year

If you would like to run for an executive position, or if you'd like to be involved in a committee or organizing events, please contact John Christou at campnomininguealumni@gmail.com before September 25th. 

An election will be held via the internet, with the goal of confirming a new executive of the Alumni Association by October 15.

Ottawa Alumni Monthly Social 

Where: Royal Oak, 1217 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON

When: Every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 8 PM till 10 PM. 

The first fall social will be held on Thursday, September 13. All CN Alumni are invited.

Montreal Alumni Social

Where: Station des Sports, 2051 Ste-Catherine West, Montreal QC 

When: Friday, October 5 at 8 PM

Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.


Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2011... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-267-2555 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0