Tumpline October 2012

Published: Wed, 10/17/12

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Lac du Sourd Paul Ziskin 10 years old

The first day, we arrived at our campsite after an hour car ride and a fifteen minute paddle. We were very hungry so we ate delicious hot dogs. During the afternoon, we carved, swam and did other fun stuff. For dinner, we ate kraft dinner that was very good. Before going to bed, we played some very fun games like true, true, false and blink murder.

Early the next morning, after a lot of rain, we ate bacon and eggs for breakfast. Miamm!!! After we packed up to go visit other islands in the canoe. We settled down on the main beach and ate some amazing quesadillas for lunch. That afternoon, we explored a bit more in the canoe, swam and carved. For supper, we ate delicious spaghetti with alfredo sauce. For dessert, we ate some marshmallows, which I love!

The next day, we had to leave the campsite at 9 am, so we woke up pretty early, packed and ate oatmeal with marshmallows in it. It was the best oatmeal I have ever had! It was then time to go, so we paddled to where the bus was waiting to pick us up. After an hour drive, we returned to Nominingue. It was the best three day trip I have ever had!

Sept jours au parc de La Vérendrye     Antoine Loranger-Pelletier 14 ans

Jour 2

Nous nous sommes réveillés vers 8h00. Je me sentais bien, car nos leaders nous avaient dit qu'aujourd'hui serait une petite journée et qu'on arriverait à un site avec une plage. Nous avons cuit du bacon et des oeufs, puis nous les avons mis dans un fajitas. C'était délicieux! Puis, j'ai aidé à ranger les casseroles, les bols, le grill, les tentes et nos sacs de couchages. Ensuite nous avons ramé vers le lac Camitogama. Le paysage était magnifique : c'était un mur vert parsemé de quelques arbres jaunes. Le lac était un miroir, Pendant, qu'on ramait, je pensais aux choses que je devais accomplir pour recevoir mon 2ième niveau en tripping : aider les moniteurs, prendre de l'initiative, etc. Nous sommes arrivés à un petit portage vers le lac Camitogama. Ensuite, nous avons traversé ce lac jusqu'à une petite rivière qui allait vers le lac Carrière. Je commençais à avoir faim et j'ai demandé à PQ si nous allions manger sur le lac Carrière. Il m'a répondu oui. Alors nous avons traversé la rivière. Nous avons frappé quelques roches et quelques morceaux de bois, mais le canot n'était pas trop endommagé. Après une cinquantaine de mètres, la rivière est devenue obstruée, donc nous avons fait un portage jusqu'au lac Carrière. 

Arrivé à au lac Carrière, j'ai observé qu'il y avait une grande plage au loin : c'était notre site! Nous avons pagayé avec force jusqu'au site pour découvrir qu'il était déjà occupé par deux hommes. J'étais vraiment frustré, car PQ m'avait dit que ce site était bon et unique, et car je commençais à avoir faim! Mais PQ et Emmett sont allés parler aux hommes et ils nous ont laissé le site après 30 minutes. Pendant qu'on attendait, PQ et Emmett nous ont donné des barres tendres. Arrivés au site, Antoine et William ont assemblé les tentes, Olivier et moi sommes allés chercher du bois, et PQ et Emmett ont préparé des sandwichs au salami et au fromage. Après, on a mis de la crème solaire et on est allé se baigner. C'était bien de se laver, mais une sangsue s'est presque accrochée à moi, alors j'ai eu peur. Ensuite nous avons pris des roches et nous avons fait des ricochets sur le lac. Il était devenu tard, alors on a commencé le souper, qui était un spaghetti avec du salami, des poivrons et des oignions. C'était excellent! Ensuite, nous avons tout nettoyé et tout rangé. Puis nous sommes allés dans notre tente pour encore se raconter des blagues.

Nominingue Canoe Trips
Walter Mingie Counsellor, Senior Staff, Pillar 1943-1961

One's most difficult or frustrating experiences seem to be the ones you remember the longest... In my seventeen years on the staff of Camp Nominingue, I was probably on 35 or 40 canoe trips.  We had many good experiences and lots of fun.  However, here are a few of the undesirable ones.

Salt or Sugar?

In my early days at Camp Nominingue, once the trip lists were posted, you had to make up a menu and food list.  We used to pack salt in a small white, heavy cotton bag and sugar in a larger one. Well, you guessed it!  My junior counsellor, who was looking after the cooking, thought the contents of the two bags were the same, so after the evening meal, he combined them.  We sure found out when we had our porridge in the morning!

The Sleepless night     

On a five day canoe trip in Parc Papineau-Labelle before it was designated as a park, our itinerary called for a circuit through Lac St. Denis to Lac Vert and via Lac Labelle, back to Lac Vert and St.Denis.  On the third day, we woke up to heavy rain, and it didn't stop all day.  We paddled and portaged many lakes and trails in the rain.  At supper time, we found shelter in an old tumbled-down house. It was hard to find a spot where the roof didn't leak, but most of us succeeded.  My spot was in a rocking chair, with no sleeping bag or dry clothes.  Why?  My sleeping bag had been on the bottom side of the pack that it was in, thus lying in the water in the canoe.  We had successfully put logs under most of the packs to keep them dry, but alas my sleeping bag was soaked.  I don't think I slept at all that night.     

The next day we successfully portaged back to Lac Vert and to Lac St Denis.  Paddling up St. Denis, I caught myself twice, just in time, as I felt myself falling out of the canoe.  I had gone to sleep.  After a night's sleep we returned triumphantly to camp. 


The Missing Canoe

One time in La Verendrye park, we were paddling west.  There was a strong north wind, but we were OK until we came to the open part of the lake. Our island lunch site was half a kilometre ahead.  By facing the canoes into the north wind, and slide-slipping west, we gradually made it to the far side of the small island for lunch.  We were tired from the hard paddle.  We unloaded the packs and took the lunch pack up to the campsite, and most of our party flaked out.  Bad idea!  We had forgotten to check if the canoes had been pulled up enough on shore or turned over.

After lunch, we were getting ready to continue to the western shore of the lake to a portage.  This is when I heard a camper shout: "Where's our canoe?" Obviously the wind had loosened the canoe and blown it down the lake.  I went to the top of the island, to the south side, and looked down the lake, about 2 km. No canoe could be seen. "Impossible!"  I said to myself. A canoe couldn't go 2 km in such a short time... or could it?  Three campers and I set out in the other canoe, with the wind behind us, for the south end of the lake, 2 km away.  Half way to the end of the lake, there were a couple of small islands over to the left, quite far to the left.  I was fortunate to see between the islands, you guessed it, but only for a second or two, a floating grey canoe.  We loaded both canoes with driftwood for ballast, and with two paddling in each canoe, struggled against a very strong wind.  We finally reached our lunch site, divided up some chocolate, picked up the rest of our party, and were on our way.

Rates for 2013 / Tarifs pour la saison 2013

# Session Length/longueur Dates Rates/ Tarifs

1. J8 8 days/jours July 6 - July 13 / 6 juillet au 13 juillet $975

2. J15 15 days/jours June 29 - July 13 / 29 juin au 13 juillet $2,000 

3. J12 12 days/jours July 13 - July 24 / 13 juillet au 24 juillet $1,600

4. J26 26 days/jours June 29  - July 24 / 29 juin au 24 juillet $3,200

5. LITJ 26 days/jours June 29  - July 24 / 29 juin au 24 juillet $3,545

6. JA43 43 days/jours June 29  - August 10 / 29 juin au 7 août $4,225

7. A8 8 days/jours August 3 - August 10 / 3 août au 10 août      $975

8. A15 15 days/jours July 27 - August 10 / 27 juillet au 10 août     $2,000

9. A12 12 days/jours August 10 - August 21 / 10 août au 21 août  $1,600

10. A26 26 days/jours July 27 - August 21 / 27 juillet au 21 août     $3,200

11. LITA 26 days/jours July 27 - August 21 / 27 juillet au 21 août     $3,545

12. JA40 40 days/jours July 13- August 21 / 13 juillet au 21 août      $4,045

13. JA54 54 days/jours June 29  - August 21 / 29 juin au 21 août      $4,885

Rebates for 2013 - Rabais sur les tarifs 2013

The cost of summer camp makes a summer at Nominingue at luxury. We try to help reduce your costs somewhat by offering some rebates or fee reductions. Here is a list of our rebates for 2013:

- Early bird rate: a special discount is offered for all campers registered prior to December 15, 2012 - $100 on a 12-day or 15-day session and $150 for a 26-day, 40-day, 43-day or 54-day session.

- Family camp credit: all campers who attended family camp in 2012 receive a  rebate on 2013 boys' camp equal to 10% of their family camp fee

- Brother Discount: First son pays full price, second son receives a 10% discount; third son receives a 15% discount

- Referral rebate: a family who refers another camper receives a $75 rebate. This rebate is also offered to the family who is referred and whose son attends Nominingue in 2013  

Nous sommes conscients que d'offrir un séjour à votre fils au Camp Nominingue coûte cher. Nous essayons de vous proposer quelques moyens de réduire vos coûts. Voici une liste des rabais offerts en 2013:

- Inscription avant le 15 décembre, 2012 - 100$ pour les sessions de 12 ou 15 jours; 150$ pour les sessions de 23, 40, 43 ou 54 jours

- Si vous avez participé au camp familial en 2012, vous bénéficierez d'un rabais pour le camp de garçons 2013 correspondant à 10% des frais encourus pour votre fils au camp familial

- Pour frères: 10% de rabais sur l'inscription de votre deuxième garçon; 15% de rabais sur l'inscription de votre troisième garçon

- Toute famille qui a incité une nouvelle famille à envoyer leur fils au Camp Nominingue! Ce rabais de 75$ est offert aux deux familles! 

Alumni Association News / Nouvelles de l'association des anciens

Nominingue Socials

Matthew Cromey Camper, Counsellor, Program Director 1990-2012

Last year, I started a socials group on Facebook to give alumni a place to meet and reminisce about the experiences everyone has had at camp, as well for different generations to connect. I held a regular social in Ottawa last year on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Some months there were just a couple of us and other months would have over 15 people. It was great to reconnect with alumni from various decades and talk about canoe trip, instruction, programs and late nights in the CC. At the annual general meeting this year at camp, I reported on the Ottawa socials and plans were laid to expand these socials to more than just Ottawa.

I have been looking for alumni in different regions to head up some social events and thus far there have been 2 socials in Ottawa and 1 social in Montreal. There are currently plans underway for social events in Toronto, Kingston, Guelph and Mexico. All of the events will be posted on the Nominingue Socials group on Facebook as well as monthly updates in the Tumpline.


In Ottawa, we have had 2 socials this fall, with 11 people attending, spanning from the 1980s to this past summer. Montreal had its first Social last Friday and had over 20 people in attendance, spanning from the 1970s to this past summer. I was fortunate enough to attend all of these socials and was able to connect with some alumni I have not seen in a decade. Last year, a social event was held in Mexico City. It was great to see the photos and see that the Nominingue connection is worldwide. 

The next social event coming up is Movember "Nominingue style". For those who do not know about Movember it is a yearly fund raiser for prostate cancer where, for the month of November, gentlemen grow the best moustache they can, while raising money for the cause!  I feel that it is very fitting that the alumni of Nominingue form a team and grow and raise money for this great cause. There is a Movember event on the socials group as well as a Movember team for you to join and raise money. I do realize that some of the alumni cannot grow a moustache, but it does not mean you cannot participate and support your Mo Brothers. You can be a Mo sista! I am also looking for a panel of judges to vote on the best moustache at the end of November. (If you are a Mo sista and would like to be a judge, please email me matthew.cromey@gmail.com)

Please join us this Movember and grow the best or worst moustache you can. Take pictures of your progress and post them to the Socials group and help raise money for prostate cancer.


Ottawa will be having its regular social on Thursday November 8th @ the Royal Oak on Wellington, 8:00pm

Montreal will be having a November event as well and the time and place will be posted soon.

You can join the Socials group here:       http://www.facebook.com/groups/NominingueSocials/

You can email the Socials Group at:       NominingueSocials@groups.facebook.com

You can join the Movember team here:  http://ca.movember.com/team/485845

The 2012-2013 CN Alumni Association Executive will be confirmed soon. If you would like to be involved in a committee or to help organize events of the CN Alumni Association, please contact John Christou at campnomininguealumni@gmail.com . 

Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.

Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2011... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 


Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-458-1551 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Winter address: 112, rue Lippée, Les Coteaux, QC J7X 1J4
Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0