Tumpline November 2013

Published: Fri, 11/01/13

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Memories of Nominingue - Part 1 Richard Bourne  1956-1971

I enjoyed eight summers as a camper at Camp Nominingue, followed by six years as a counselor. I have great memories of birch trees, bug juice, the lake, Geoff Merrill's Saturday night entertainment, and canoe trips. I could never figure out why I liked canoe trips. Paddling was boring. Mosquito-infested portages were tedious. Campfire cooking such as "Prem and Pineapple" was gobbled up only out of necessity. Bugs inside the tent were thicker than they were outside. Yet somehow, I just loved canoe trips. 

The highlight for most young campers was Council Ring. I recall my first, which was surrounded by a certain degree of trepidation. Older campers had told us rookies that we would be branded. I think I convinced myself that my parents would not tolerate this.

All the first time campers gathered at the dining hall. We were told to pick out a stick from the forest floor. Blankets around our shoulders, we were blindfolded. A tom-tom beat started, and we were herded along a 200 yard path through the woods. 

When my blindfold was removed, I saw a chief in full regalia, including a colourful feathered headdress. He sat on a throne of sorts, with his arms resting on venomous serpents, carved of wood. Blanketed counsellors and campers sat in circles around a fire, with totem poles lining the outside of the tribal ring. The Big Chief seemed like the gentle, unbranding type. I later found out that he was camp founder and owner, F. M. Van Wagner. 

The new boys stood around the fire, their counsellors, or "chiefs", standing behind them. Admittance to the great tribe was requested from wigwams such as Nichcotea, Sept-Frères, and "Montjoie".  I was announced as being from the wigwam "Rognon". Once all new braves had been presented, we were instructed by the Big Chief to throw our sticks into the fire in order to be admitted into the tribe. I complied, but tragedy struck. My stick did not make it to the fire. Did this mean that I would not be considered a full-fledged brave? Should I lean forward and try a re-throw? I stood frozen, but presumably was properly accepted, because I was allowed to enjoy fourteen great summers with the Great Tribe of Nominingue. 

Family Camp 2013 Ronin Faulconbridge 9 years old

Hello, my name is Ronin. I'd like to tell you about what I did at Camp Nominingue. 

At camp, they have all sorts of activities.  For example they have archery, beach parties, rock climbing, swimming, yoga, riflery, a game called spot, casino and all sorts of fun activities. 

I really liked the dining hall. The dining hall is where you eat lovely meals made by the cooking staff.  There was cheese at most of the meals and I like cheese.

My most favourite part of camp was when we got to shoot rifles at cans and targets. I liked it because I felt it was challenging.

Last, but not least, is the staff.  The staff help make sure that everyone is okay and also they run the activities for every one. One of the staff members showed me how to rock climb and that was really fun.

That was my week at Nominingue. Next time I go to camp I want to do even more activities.

Family Camp 2013 Alfred Duranceau   1961-1971

Family Camp is special because it allows each and every camper, young or older to choose what experience, what adventure they want to have during their time at camp. This element of choice has always been a critical component of the Nominingue experience whether for family camp or boys' camp.

As an ex-camper and counsellor at Camp Nominingue, I sent my son to the camp, and he decided to go back as a counsellor. This summer, I had the opportunity to revisit the camp, and my son, during Family Camp, and to take a day trip to Lac Sept-Frères.

The magic is still there: I am impressed at being able to paddle on lakes still protected from motorized humans (which we all are), and appreciate the calm of nature, the only sounds being the canoe gliding on the water, the wind in the trees, and our conversations. We paddle, we walk the portages, we make our own fire to heat our meal... this has nothing to do with our usual city life! Traveling protected parks is an impressive experience that has to be done to really appreciate nature. And you can also jump off a 9 metre cliff if you want - Not an ordinary day trip.

Having written this, I think I'll go back.

This particular day provided a bit of everything for Alfred, François, Cole, Carlita and Rosalie...threatening weather, periods of sun, a jump off Acapulco, a thunder storm on Lac des Grandes-Baies and a calm late afternoon paddle...a typical tripping day at Nominingue!


2014 Enrolment for Boys' Camp - Inscription au Camp 2014

Today is Friday, November 1st and today, enrolment opens. Early enrolment ensures that you get our early-bird rates and a spot in the session of your choice. This year, there is a reduced rate for all sessions, including the 8-day session. We have made a slight change in our sessions in 2014. We have added a second one-week session in July. At the same time, we will be limiting enrolment in each one-week session. 

The simplest way to enrol is online from our website. If you have any questions, please call or e-mail the office. 

C'est vendredi le 1er novembre aujourd'hui, l'ouverture de la période d'inscriptions pour le camp 2014. Une inscription hâtive vous assure un rabais sur votre inscription (complétée avant le 15 décembre) et aussi le choix de séjour pour votre garçon. Cette année, il y a un rabais sur tous les séjours, même sur les séjours de 8-jours. Vous noterez peut-être que nous avons ajouté un deuxième séjour de 8-jours au mois de juillet. En même temps, nous limiterons le nombre maximum de garçons acceptés durant chacun de ses séjours de 8-jours.

La manière la plus facile d'inscrire votre fils est sur l'internet à partir de notre site. Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas de nous appeler ou de nous écrire au bureau.

Rates for 2014 / Tarifs pour la saison 2014

Over the last three years, our food costs, one of our major costs, have risen 3% per year. We have increased our fees 2% this year to cover this increase in cost. 

Depuis 3 ans, les frais de nourriture ont augmenté par 3% à chaque année. Nous avons ajouté 2% à notre tarif global pour couvrir cette augmentation. 

Session Length/longueur Dates Rates/ Tarifs*

7-15 year olds/ 7 à 15 ans

JA54 54 days/jours June 28  - August 20 / 28 juin au 20 août $4,985

JA43 43 days/jours June 28  - August 9 / 28 juin au 9 août $4,310

J26 26 days/jours June 28  - July 23 / 28 juin au 23 juillet $3,265

J15 15 days/jours June 28 - July 12 / 28 juin au 12 juillet $2,040 

J19 19 days/jours July 5 - July 23 / 5 juillet au 23 juillet $2580

JA40 40 days/jours July 12 - August 20 / 12 juillet au 20 août $4,125

J12 12 days/jours July 12 - July 23 / 12 juillet au 23 juillet $1,630

A26 26 days/jours July 26 - August 20 / 26 juillet au 20 août $3,265

A15 15 days/jours July 26 - August 9 / 26 juillet au 9 août $2,040

A12 12 days/jours August 9 - August 20 / 9 août au 20 août $1,630

A19 19 days/jours August 2 - August 20 / 2 août au 20 août $2580

7-9 year olds only/ 7 à 9 ans seulement

1J8 8 days/jours June 28 - July 5 / 28 juin au 5 juillet $1025

2J8 8 days/jours July 5 - July 12 / 5 juillet au 12 juillet $1025

A8 8 days/jours August 2 - August 9 / 2 août au 9 août $1025

16 year olds/ 16 ans

LITJ 26 days/jours June 28  - July 23 / 28 juin au 23 juillet $3,61

LITA 26 days/jours July 26 - August 20 / 26 juillet au 20 août $3,615

* Regular rates - tariff régulier

* Quebec retail taxes are added  - les taxes provinciales et fédérales sont en surplus


Rebates for 2014 - Rabais sur les tarifs 2014

The cost of summer camp makes a summer at Nominingue at luxury. We try to help reduce your costs somewhat by offering some rebates or fee reductions. Here is a list of our rebates for 2014:

- Early bird rate: a special discount is offered for all campers registered prior to December 15, 2013 - $50 on an 8-day session; $100 on a 12-day, 15-day session or 19-day session; and $150 for a 26-day, 40-day, 43-day or 54-day session.

- Family camp credit: all campers who attended family camp in 2013 receive a rebate on 2014 boys' camp equal to 10% of their family camp fee.

- Brother Discount: First son pays full price, second son receives a 10% discount; third son receives a 15% discount.

- Referral rebate: a family who refers another camper receives a $75 rebate. This rebate is also offered to the family who is referred and whose son attends Nominingue in 2014.  

Nous sommes conscients que d'offrir un séjour à votre fils au Camp Nominingue coûte cher. Nous essayons de vous proposer quelques moyens de réduire vos coûts. Voici une liste des rabais offerts en 2014:

- Inscription avant le 15 décembre, 2013 - 50$ pour les séjours de 8 jours;100$ pour les séjours de 12, 15 ou 19 jours; 150$ pour les séjours de 26, 40, 43 ou 54 jours.

- Si vous avez participé au camp familial en 2013, vous bénéficierez d'un rabais pour le camp de garçons 2014 correspondant à 10% des frais encourus pour votre fils au camp familial.

- Pour frères: 10% de rabais sur l'inscription de votre deuxième garçon; 15% de rabais sur l'inscription de votre troisième garçon.

- Toute famille qui a incité une nouvelle famille à envoyer leur fils au Camp Nominingue! Ce rabais de 75$ est offert aux deux familles! 

Alumni Association News / Nouvelles de l'association des anciens

Please share with us news that you would like to include in the Tumpline that you think might be of interest to other Nominingue alumni.

SVP envoyez nous des nouvelles que vous aimeriez inclure dans une prochaine édition du Tumpline.

Fall Alumni Socials

On Friday, October 18, a Montreal fall social was held in St-Henri...It was a fun little shin-dig that began with a Barbeque in Sir George-Etienne Cartier Park on the sandy shores of rue Notre-Dame in the wildlife preserve of St-Henri. The group began with some cooked sausage, grilled veggies and other delicious grillables, of course prepared in the feeble manner of the white man... 

After packing up camp, the group portaged 350 metres to Bar de Courcelle, a local watering hole for all the wildlife in the area. Once there, camp was re-established and the group enjoyed the fresh water that Desmond spoke so highly about. A small group this time, we reminisced about the great years at camp together. We look forward to seeing a large crowd next time, and an even larger one at Wakonda's birthday party in December.  

Dates and locations of future get-togethers will be posted on Facebook on the Nominingue Socials Group page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/NominingueSocials/.

To get involved with CN Alumni Association, please contact John Christou at john@prospectorfilms.ca. 

Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com.  You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.

Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2013... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-267-2555 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Winter address: 112, rue Lippée, Les Coteaux, QC J7X 1J4
Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0