Tumpline September 2014

Published: Wed, 09/17/14

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Manuan Canoe Trip   Part VI 1936

Canoe tripping has been an important part of the Nominingue experience since 1925. Although many of the routes are no longer available and some elements of the experience have changed, the essence of the canoe trip remains the same - learning to work together as a team; enduring difficulties caused by inclement weather; travelling through the Canadian wilderness and meeting the challenges that each new day brings. 

Bill Stobo, Duncan Duclos, Herb Owen, John Hay, Stewart Hamilton, F.M. Van Wagner

Canoes weighed 80 lbs when well-dried and over 90 lbs wet. Total weight of packs and all equipment was 350 lbs.

A double blanket was carried for each person, each weighing up to 8 lbs. Travelled 60 lakes in 14 days.

Thursday August 20

Since we did not have a hard day ahead, we were in no particular hurry about rising, leaving our comfortable bed at 7:10 am. At this time, the ranger was just leaving for the tower, so we carried our things into his cabin, made breakfast on his stove and did our packing inside. By the time we were ready to leave it was 9:15. The wind had died down and there was every promise of a fine day. The party put in at Hamilton's camp and found a tidy, well-organized site, as usual.

The portage into Lac Basinet was not as shown on the map. To find this portage, it was necessary to paddle up the stream for 50 yards. This portage is about 1 ½ miles and is mostly uphill. When we reached Basinet, John saw trout among the rocks just at the outlet. Little time was lost in setting up the rods and, in a a few minutes, we had 13 nice trout. It was decided to proceed to our campsite on Emeril, an adjoining lake where we had lunch at 12:45. Basinet is really a beautiful lake surrounded by high hills. As far as I know, there is no campsite on its shores, but the next time I pass this way, there will be! We took a few trout as we stopped to make a few casts from time to time along its shore.

After making camp, we went fishing and caught the occasional trout that afternoon and evening. The fishing was as good just in front of our camp site as anywhere. We were anxious to catch enough trout for several meals, so kept pretty steadily at our fishing. This campsite has only been used two years by Bob Hamilton and still needs a good deal of cleaning up. Our party did very little camp improvement on this trip as our time and energy was required for other purposes. Bed 8:45 pm.

Friday August 21

I got up and went fishing at 5:30 at the basinet end of the lake and took two dozen nice trout in about an hour and a half. The fish were still rising and it would no doubt have been possible to take more had I cared to do so but, as we were continuing on our way after breakfast, we did not want too many to carry. Some of the trout in this lake are covered with a fungus, but I understand that it does not make them less edible.

We planned to spend the next night in the cabin on Red Pine Lake, so once again we made a late start, breaking camp at 10:40 am. From Emeril to the next lake, a small muddy lake on top of a mountain is about 1 ½ miles, and a tough portage it is! The day was one of those warm, humid ones, causing most profuse perspiration. For the first time, Herb and I were not carrying a pack with the canoe, but as our canoes were soaked and weighed over 90 lbs, we found the going hard enough. From the little lake, the trail to Turnbull is all downhill. The sun was shining brightly when we stopped for lunch on a large flat rock at the first narrows after reaching Turnbull. After a good lunch and a little basking in the sun, we were ready to move on at 3:00 pm. This was a little late, but I expected we would have an easy time making camp so did not worry. After a couple of portages, we had to drag down a stream for a couple of miles, then take a half mile portage to Red Pine. The trip down stream had taken more time than I had expected, so when we reached the cabin it was 6:00 pm. To our dismay, two fire rangers were occupying the cabin. However, there is a nice campsite under some great red pine and our tent was soon pitched, our bed made and supper ready. Here we had the last of our trout and they were eaten with great relish. After supper, the rangers came over and spent an hour with us around our fire. Everyone was in bed by 9:30 pm.

Family Camp 2014 - Camp familial 2014

There were lots of hi-lights to our 2014 family camp...

- having Sean Dagher and Nelson perform for us on the basketball court on the first evening

- seeing the Warren clan get together at camp, with J.R., Jeff, Angus and Jonah and all of their families

- the awarding by the CN alumni association of a "Pillar" award to David Meisels for his impact on both boys' camp and family camp

- listening to the loons on the lake

- bringing back to camp alumni and their families: Paul Dancey, Matt Thomson, Ian & Erik Blachford, David Hunter, François Bolduc, Adrian & Lyon Lightstone, Neil Thomson,...

- reading a good book on the beach

- bringing new families to Nominingue, who we hope will return for either family camp or boys' camp in the future

- canoe trips to the falls and Acapulco

- the presence of the Van Wagner clan, including the Hendershotts, the Webers, the Waldvogels, the Larentes...many who were either campers or counsellors at camp over the years

- wine & cheese in the main lodge

- re-connecting with families who return to family camp each summer - the Whiting-Olivers, the Thomsons, the Hendershotts, the Morins,...

- kids' overnight

Family camp is a great family holiday - there truly is something for everyone!

2014 Award Winners / Lauréats 2014

July-juillet August-août

Best Paddle   Simon Germain Angus Schwaneflugel

Best Project Alex Valiquette Andrew Poitier

Dip Award Middle Camp Upper Camp

Most Improved Sailor Mathias Berdugo David Gagnon

Best Sailor Guillaume Girard

Most Improved Windsurfer Mihail Calitoiu Yamil Chalita

Best Windsurfer Adrien Géry

Most Improved Kayaker   Zacharie Perreault-Samson

Most Improved Swimmer Oderah Pécore-Ugorji Braeden Poirier

Athletic Shield

Section 1 Jake Hester

Section 2 Sam Kayll Xavier Marcoux

Section 3 Marc-Olivier Duranceau Pierre Estecahandy

Section 4 Zed-Olivier Massé Nicolas Catoir

Section 5 Leo Brodeur

Team Triathlon

Section  5 Gabriel Lefebvre Philippe Trop

Jeremy Latour Aidan Hampton-Davies

Section 6 Sam Osborne

Nicholas Leduc


Section 7   Justin Croteau

Night Orienteering

Intermediate Sam Osborne

Charles Gil

Senior Thomas Hélie

Patrick Greiss

Intermediate Canoe Race Philippe Valiquette Jack Ellis

Graeme Tooley Jake Blachford

Senior Canoe Race Nicolas Perrault David Khazzam

Philippe Emond Benjamin Rienecker

Feather Point Leaders

Section 1   Jérémie Lord-Rainville Vincent Lefebvre

Section 2 Alexandre Duranceau Jesse Rainier Amory

Section 3 Felix Valiquette Said Chalita

Section 4   Basile Lenoir Liam Poirier

Section 5 Philippe Valiquette   Francis Lutfy

Section 6   Vincent Grysyuk Angus Schwaneflugel

Section 7 Sam Abramson Kendall Harrison

Patch Cup Winner Philippe Valiquette Kendall Harrison

Sam Abramson 

Tribal Games Results Huron, Sioux, Blackfoot, Cree, Iroquois, Algonquin

Voyageur Games Results Cartier, La Verendrye, Champlain, Radisson

Leader Award Noah Ennis Zacharie Perreault-Samson

Elliott Grenier Jonah Buksbaum

Simon Martel

Staff Awards

Mark Conner Award Nicolas Proulx-Jones

Shannon Memorial Award Philippe Sylvestre

2015 Dates - Dates 2015

Days / Jours Dates Session/Séjour

7-15 year olds   7 à 15 ans

54 days/jours June 27  - August 19 / 27 juin au 19 août JA54

43 days/jours June 27  - August 8 / 27 juin au 8 août JA43

26 days/jours June 27  - July 22 / 27 juin au 22 juillet J26

15 days/jours June 27 - July 11 / 27 juin au 11 juillet J15

19 days/jours July 4 - July 22 / 4 juillet au 22 juillet J19

40 days/jours July 11- August 19 / 11 juillet au 19 août JA40

12 days/jours July 11 - July 22 / 11 juillet au 22 juillet J12

26 days/jours July 25 - August 19 / 25 juillet au 19 août A26

15 days/jours July 25 - August 8 / 25 juillet au 8 août A15

19 days/jours August 1 - August 19 / 1 août au 19 août A19

12 days/jours August 8 - August 19 / 8 août au 19 août A12

7-9 year olds only     7 à 9 ans seulement

8 days/jours June 27 - July 4 / 27 juin au 4 juillet 1J8

8 days/jours July 4 - July 11 / 4 juillet au 11 juillet 2J8

8 days/jours July 25 - August 1 / 25 juillet au 1 août 1A8

8 days/jours August 1 - August 8 / 1 août au 8 août 2A8

16 year olds Leader-in-Training Program

26 days/jours June 27  - July 22 / 27 juin au 22 juillet LITJ

26 days/jours July 25 - August 19 / 25 juillet au 19 août LITA

Family Camp / Camp familial August 19 - 23 / 19 au 23 août

Alumni Weekend/ Fin de semaine des anciens September 4 - 6 / 4 au 6 septembre

The Trip Thomas Jean-Brown

Thomas Jean-Brown, a camper at Nominingue for the last six summers, loves cartooning. He has agreed to create regular camp-related cartoons for the Tumpline. He has also created a website to share his work. 


Thomas Jean-Brown, un campeur à Nominingue depuis six ans, adore dessiné et créé des bandes-dessinées. Il a accepté le défi de créer des bandes-dessinées avec un thème « Nominingue » pour le Tumpline. D'autres de ses oeuvres sont disponibles sur son site internet.

Cedars Dragon Boat Race & Festival

The Camp Nominingue Alumni Association is proud to enter a team in the Cedars Dragon Boat Race & Festival, on Saturday September 20.

As with all members of the Nominingue community, we love to paddle! So now we're proud to "accept this challenge," and put our paddling skills to good use in supporting the Cedars Cancer Institute of the McGill University Health Centre.

Funds raised will go directly to supporting Cedars CanSupport, which offers practical, psychological, emotional and humanitarian support for cancer patients and their families at the MUHC.

Please join us in making a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the following link. Any amount is greatly appreciated. 

Donate to: Cedars Cancer Institute - Dragon Boat Race

And please come out on race day to cheer us on!  Races will run all through the morning at Promenade Père-Marquette in Lachine.

The following alumni will be participating in this event:

Ignacio Gallo John Christou Andrew Cleland

Shawn Weiland Mike Shatilla Vincent Leclerc

Grant McKenna Ted Kalil

We are still seeking a few more interested dragon boaters! If you are interested, please let us know.

Alumni Association News / Nouvelles de l'association des anciens

Camp Library

After camp, Rafic Dagher, our craftshop director, built a new bookcase for the Main Lodge, in part to effectively display the books donated by the Shatilla family in Chris Shatilla's name and to make the books from the equipment room more accessible to campers. Three book shelves are also located in the intermediate lodge, ensuring that books are also accessible for upper campers.

The best part of my job is that I get to meet not only campers, parents and staff from 2014, but also alumni who return to Nominingue after being away for a time. Jimmy Daoussis, Rod Wilson and Frank Hibbeln went on a three-day canoe trip to Parc Papineau-Labelle, stopping off at camp on the way. The three of them met as counsellors in 1973. Allan Golden, a camper from the late 1950s and early 1960s, returned to camp for a visit with Lyon Lightstone and they spent a couple of days re-living their camp experiences.

Adirondack Shelter

Last summer, David Kayll's younger son spent a week at camp. This summer, with his two sons attending Nominingue, David wanted to get involved in a camp project. Working with a group of upper campers, he designed and built an Adirondack shelter which stands on the side of the athletic field. The campers loved being involved in this construction project and the athletic field now has a new Adirondack shelter for storage, for rainy days or for an overnight.

The Shannon Memorial Award

This award was established in 2002 in honour of Shannon Van Wagner to recognize the staff member who best embodies the spirit of Nominingue each summer. In 2014, the winner of the Award also received a paddle made by Caleb Davis of Tremolo Paddles. Caleb started as a camper at Nominingue in 1960. He returned as a counsellor in the 1970s. This year, he contacted the camp and expressed his interest in donating a paddle to a deserving Nomininguer on a yearly basis. We decided that the Shannon Memorial Award winner was the best person to receive this paddle. We are very grateful to Caleb for this donation.

Alumni Weekend Report

The second annual alumni weekend took place September 5th to 7th this year. Programming is definitely relaxed. Opportunities for a morning dip, a late evening camp fire, a paddle on the lake, a test of one's skill with a bow or air rifle are all available. It is definitely a great time to reminisce and to re-connect with old friends. This event brings together alumni from different eras, from John Marshall, a camper in the 1960s and staff in the early 1970s to Lenny Wolff-Franke, who completed the LIT program in 2011. The common experience of a summer at Nominingue is the "tie that binds" and ensures that everyone has a great time!

Please share with us news that you would like to include in the Tumpline that you think might be of interest to other Nominingue alumni.

SVP envoyez nous des nouvelles que vous aimeriez inclure dans une prochaine édition du Tumpline.

Alumni Socials

Each spring and fall, we try to hold at least one Alumni Social in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. Dates should be available soon for the fall socials.

Dates and locations of future get-togethers will be posted on Facebook on the Nominingue Socials Group page.

To get involved with CN Alumni Association, please contact John Christou at john@prospectorfilms.ca. 

Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents... from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.

Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l'été 2014... et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. 

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-267-2555 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com

This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.

Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d'envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.

Winter address: 112, rue Lippée, Les Coteaux, QC J7X 1J4
Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0