Tumpline October 2015

Published: Mon, 10/12/15

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Cedars Dragon Boat Race & Festival
On September 19, 2015, for the second year in a row the Camp Nominingue Alumni Association entered a team in the Cedars CanSupport Dragon Boat Race.  Our team raised in excess of $12,700 in support of the Cedars Cancer Institute at the MUHC.  While many of the team had never paddled a dragon boat before, we all relied upon the muscle memory ingrained from years of experience in Nominingue Canoes.  We all just needed to remember not to J-stroke!


Over 30 teams were entered in the race festival for what proved to be a wonderfully inspiring day, a great family event, and a highly successful fundraiser for the Cedars Cancer Institute.

Through the morning’s qualifying races, the Nominingue Team traded fastest times with the Royal Canadian Navy team, represented by the HMCS Donnacona Naval Reserve Division.  This set the stage for the afternoon’s 4-team, 1-race A-Final for the gold medal.


In a tightly fought race over the 200 metre course, the Nominingue Team set a time of 53:27 in the final, just edging out the Navy Team by a few fractions of a second to win the Gold Medal.  While we were incredibly motivated to beat the Navy, it was also an honour for us all to be able to compete against the men and women who so proudly represent our country.  

Our team was encouraged along on the race course by a large number of Nominingue friends and family who were in attendance to cheer us on, including the Big Chief himself, as well as Camp Pillars Trevor Smith and Vic Badian.


Representing the Nominingue Alumni Dragon Boat Race Team this year were Co-Captains John Christou & Ted Kalil, along with Mike Shatilla, Dave Dekoos, Grant McKenna, Juan Berlie, Shawn Weiland, Alex Brunet, Patrick Turner, Brian Cooke, Andrew Dougherty, Ignacio Gallo, Mitch McLarnon, Andy Moore, Vince Leclerc (on injured reserve), Andrew Battah, Drea Wheeler, Matt Aguba, Luc Mikelsons, Nic Leblond, and Jacques Leblond-Murphy.

The Nominingue Alumni Dragon Boat Race Team now looks forward to September 2016, when we will set out to defend our Championship!
Maison-de-Pierre, 1957 Part IX  Andy Webster
John Blachford drove up to Camp Nominingue on a Friday and by noon the next day, we had decided to embark on a more ambitious canoe trip than either of us had ever been on. This decision on my part meant that I must quit my counselling job, but the money I would have to forfeit was inconsequential when I compared it to the overall experience of the trip we were to take. The following is an account of the 14 days we spent out in the bush.


Wednesday, August 14
I woke at 7:00 and looked out in consternation at the black, gloomy cloud-filled sky. John was no more pleased than I so we decided to remain in bed for a little while longer. It was still drizzling and overcast when we rose at 8:30, but it was necessary to push on down the big river and reach the Forks of the Lievre that day.
We finished off the last of our side bacon and pushed on down towards the Long Rapids. Shooting rapids is a very exciting, but nerve-wracking business. We had to stop every quarter mile or so and empty the water out of the canoe and then walk a few hundred yards down the river to see whether it would be advisable to portage down the rocky bank or go on shooting the rapids. In most cases, we decided on the latter choice and, as a result, ended up with quite a few scrapes on the canoe, but no holes.


We portaged around some scenic twenty-five foot falls and, after having lunch at the base of the falls, paddled further down the river to the Lievre which we reached at 4:00 pm. The sky had now become clearer.

We were faced here with a big decision…We sat there brooding on the bank of the Lievre watching the river flow swiftly by and tried to decide which choice we should finally make. We knew that if we did paddle down the river and find that our two alternatives were non-existent, then it would be practically impossible for us to paddle up the river again to the Forks. We decided that we would take the surer, harder route which was to follow the Lievre upriver and against the current to the point where we would cut southeastward into the chain of lakes which would lead us back through Big Carp and Revelstone to Rupert and Maison-de-Pierre.


Our reasoning paid off! Our campsite that evening was quite different from the one to which we had tiredly and somewhat gloomily walked into the night before. The night before, we had cooked supper under an overcast sky, in a dirty bay of the river and then had retired to an abandoned, dirty bunk-house of the MacLaren’s Menjo Depot. This evening, we were blessed by good fortune.. Our campsite was set at the bottom of as steep bluff right next to the noisy rush of the water and, when the moon rose later, it outlined the tall spruce growing on the opposite bank, so that the whole scene was one of peaceful and quiet beauty. That evening at 9:30, we climbed happily into our sleeping bags with the thought that we had overcome the biggest obstacles of our trip.  Two days later, we would be proven wrong.
Rates & Dates for 2016 / Tarifs et Dates pour la saison 2016
Length/Longueur Dates      Session/Séjour                          Rates/Tarif*

7-15 year olds      7 à 15 ans
54 days/jours      July 2  - August 24 / 2 juillet au 24 août        JA54    $5220  
43 days/jours      July 2  – August 13 / 2 juillet au 13 août        JA43    $4510
26 days/jours      July 2  – July 27 / 2 juillet au 27 juillet           J26    $3420
15 days/jours      July 2 – July 16 / 2 juillet au 16 juillet            J15    $2140
19 days/jours      July 9 – July 27 / 9 juillet au 27 juillet            J19    $2700
40 days/jours      July 16 - August 24 / 16 juillet au 24 août      JA40    $4320
12 days/jours      July 16 – July 27 / 16 juillet au 27 juillet         J12    $1710
26 days/jours      July 30 – August 24 / 30 juillet au 24 août      A26    $3420
15 days/jours      July 30 – August 13 / 30 juillet au 13 août      A15    $2140
19 days/jours      August 6 – August 24 / 6 août au 24 août       A19    $2700
12 days/jours      August 13 – August 24 / 13 août au 24 août    A12    $1710


7-9 year olds only     7 à 9 ans seulement
8 days/jours      July 2 –  July 9 / 2 juillet au 9 juillet                 1J8    $1080
8 days/jours      July 9 – July 16 / 9 juillet au 16 juillet              2J8    $1080
8 days/jours      July 30 – August 6 / 30 juillet au 6 août           1A8    $1080
8 days/jours      August 6 – August 13 / 6 août au 13 août        2A8    $1080


16 year olds  Leader-in-Training Program
26 days/jours      July 2  – July 27 / 2 au 27 juillet                    LITJ    $3785
26 days/jours      July 30 – August 24 / 30 juillet au 24 août      LITA    $3785


* Regular rates – tarif régulier
* Quebec retail taxes not included  - les taxes provincials et fédérales sont en surplus
Rebates for 2016 – Rabais sur les tarifs 2016
The cost of summer camp makes a summer at Nominingue at luxury. We try to help reduce your costs somewhat by offering some rebates or fee reductions. Here is a list of our rebates for 2016:

- Early bird rate: a special discount is offered for all campers registered prior to December 15, 2015 - $50 on an 8-day session; $100 on a 12-day, 15-day session or 19-day session; and $150 for a 26-day, 40-day, 43-day or 54-day session.
- Family camp credit: all campers who attended family camp in 2015 receive a rebate on 2016 boys’ camp equal to 10% of their family camp fee.
- Brother Discount: First son pays full price, second son receives a 10% discount; third son receives a 15% discount.
- Referral rebate: a family who refers another camper receives a $75 rebate. This rebate is also offered to the family who is referred and whose son attends Nominingue in 2016.  A referring family may choose to give the full $150 rebate to the new Nominingue family.


Nous sommes conscients que d’offrir un séjour à votre fils au Camp Nominingue coûte cher. Nous essayons de vous proposer quelques moyens de réduire vos coûts. Voici une liste des rabais offerts en 2016:

- Inscription avant le 15 décembre, 2015 – 50$ pour les séjours de 8 jours;100$ pour les séjours de 12, 15 ou 19 jours; 150$ pour les séjours de 26, 40, 43 ou 54 jours.
- Si vous avez participé au camp familial en 2015, vous bénéficierez d’un rabais pour le camp de garçons 2016 correspondant à 10% des frais encourus pour votre fils au camp familial.
- Pour frères: 10% de rabais sur l’inscription de votre deuxième garçon; 15% de rabais sur l’inscription de votre troisième garçon.
- Toute famille qui a incité une nouvelle famille à envoyer leur fils au Camp Nominingue! Ce rabais de 75$ est offert aux deux familles! La famille qui réfère une nouvelle famille peut choisir de donner le rabais complet de 150$ à la nouvelle famille.
Registration 2016 – Inscriptions 2016
Registration for boys’ camp and family camp opens on November 1st. One major change this year is that our database will be web-based for the first time. This will enable you to re-visit the household information and update when necessary. You will also be able to return to your account to make a second payment, without having to contact the office. To take advantage of the special rates for early enrolment for boys’ camp, you must register your son before the 16th of December, 2015.


À partir du 1er novembre, nous acceptons des inscriptions pour le camp de garçons et le camp familial. Cette année, notre base de données sera accessible à partir de l’internet. Vous pourrez revisiter votre compte familial pour effectuer des changements au besoin. Vous pourrez aussi y retourner pour effectuer un deuxième paiement, sans l’obligation de contacter le bureau. Pour bénéficier du rabais pour uneinscription hâtive, les inscriptions au camp de garçons doivent être complétées avant le 16 décembre, 2014.
Alumni Association News / Nouvelles de l’association des anciens
Please share with us news that you would like to include in the Tumpline that you think might be of interest to other Nominingue alumni.

SVP envoyez nous des nouvelles que vous aimeriez inclure dans une prochaine édition du Tumpline.

Alumni Socials
Each spring and fall, we try to hold at least one Alumni Social in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. It is always great to renew with recent and less recent alumni.

Fall 2015 Socials

Montreal   Friday October 30th at 8 pm  Sports Station, 2051 Ste Catherines O.

Ottawa     Friday October 30th at 8 pm  Royal Oak, 1217 Wellington St W.



Dates and locations of future get-togethers will be posted on Facebook on the Camp Nominingue Alumni page or on the Alumni Socials page .

To get involved with CN Alumni Association, please contact John Christou at john@prospectorfilms.ca.

Tumpline Submissions - Soumissions pour cette lettre de nouvelles

We are looking for submissions for our newsletters from campers, staff and parents… from this summer, as well as from recent and less recent alumni. These submissions may be general memories of camp experiences or specific memories about a canoe trip, about a favourite program or a funny experience. Please send your submissions to grant@nominingue.com. You may submit your stories and memories in English, French or Spanish.


Nous sommes à la recherche de textes de campeurs, parents et de moniteurs de l’été 2015… et de souvenirs de nos anciens campeurs et moniteurs des années récentes et moins récentes. Vos textes peuvent décrire vos expériences en générale ou une excursion de canot, un programme favori ou une expérience drôle. SVP envoyez votre texte par courriel à grant@nominingue.com. Votre texte peut être écrit en français, en anglais ou en espagnol.

Camp Nominingue | Tel. 450-267-2555 | Toll-free 866-910-1551 (Canada & US)
Email: info@nominingue.com | Web: www.nominingue.com
This e-mail is destined to all campers, parents and counsellors, current and alumni. If you would prefer not to receive occasional messages from us, please unsubscribe using the link below this message.
Ce courriel est destiné à tous les campeurs, parents et moniteurs, actuels et anciens. Si vous voulez vous désinscrire de cette liste d’envoi, svp cliquez en bas de la page.
Camp Nominingue
Winter Address:  112 rue Lippée, Les Coteaux, QC   J7X 1J4
Summer address: 1889, chemin des Mésanges, Nominingue, QC J0W 1R0